<< Lava | Orange Orb Artist: William Howley, Acrylic, 39"x24", Available $300This painting was created directly after Cell Battle and is basically one of the Cells Blown up. If you notice the massive thickness of these paintings is what truly makes them unique. The Challenge lies with creating a large amount of an exact color, applying it thickly, than having to reproduce the exact color, and continue the same color around the orb. Once the ring is created, I need to create a new ring that is only slightly different in value and hue than the prior, yet it must be distinguishable enough from the prior for the human eye to notice. Once the second ring is created the third ring must have the same color difference, between the second and first ring. This effect gives us a gradual even flow of color from White Orange in the center, eventually going to a Dark Orange Red on the outside. The overall effect gives you a simple powerful effect from far away. And a complicated textural intricacy from close up. |
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